Entering Action Info

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Use this tool to enter opinions about the actions of elected officials into PolTrack.

Open PolTrack app if needed, then click Action Info Entry in the top menu.

Selecting Info Provider

  2. Enter cons* in the search box and click SEARCH PROVIDERS.
  3. In the search results, select Consumers Union, click Save and BACK.

Creating Scorecard

  1. Click the more icon (⋮) to the left of Consumers Union and select Add Scorecard. A scorecard is a collection of action opinions from one opinion provider (Consumers Union, in this case).
  2. Select U.S. Senate from Politicians dropdown, enter 2020 U.S. Senate Scorecard as Scorecard Description, and click Save.

Adding Action Opinion

  1. Click the more icon (⋮) to the left of 2020 U.S. Senate Scorecard and select Add Action Opinion.
  2. Select Cast a Roll Call Vote as the Action Type and click NEXT.
  3. Enter 2020, 123, Yea Vote, and 2 as Vote Year, Vote Number, Action desired by provider, and Action weight respectively. Action desired by provider is the action the opinion provider (Consumers Union) wanted the politicians (the U.S. Senate) to take on this particular Senate roll call vote. Click NEXT.
  4. Evidence is the web address of the action opinion where it was published by its author (info provider). For this demo, enter the complete address (URL) of a safe website, including the https:// prefix, in the Evidence Web Address input box. For example, https://www.vis.org.
  5. Click Verify Evidence. Close any new browser tab or window showing the sample website. You will have to allow pop-ups from https://wwww.poltrack.org in your browser for this step to work.
  6. Check the Evidence address is CORRECT checkbox and click NEXT.
  7. Enter, for example, Vote 123 Title and Vote 123 description. as Action Info Title and Action Info content.
  8. Check the Action info title and content are CORRECT checkbox and click NEXT.
  9. To see what the action opinion you entered would look like in the PolTrack report, click REVIEW. Then click SAVE.
  10. Click CANCEL to return to the main Action Info Entry page.
  11. Click the 2020 U.S. Senate Scorecard scorecard title to expand this scorecard.
  12. Click the 2020 U.S. Senate rc# 123 : Yea Vote : 2 action summary to see the complete information about this action as it would appear in a PolTrack report.
  13. Click the more icon (⋮) to the left of 2020 U.S. Senate Scorecard and select Finalize Scorecard. Confirm the finalize operation.

Submitting Information to PolTrack

At this point, the sample Action Info Update (AIU) that you just created is ready to be submitted to the PolTrack team for review.

There is a fee payable in PT Coins that you will be charged at the time of the initial submission of an AIU for review. The fee covers the review of the initial submission and the reviews of submissions of two revisions to the original submission.

  1. Click Ready TO SUBMIT. You must be signed in into PolTrack and you must have selected a PT Membership with a sufficient PT Coins balance to continue past this point.

Additional information about the submission process will be provided soon.